The Maritime Technology Cluster FVG is an aggregation body created on voluntary basis by public and private actors operating in the maritime technologies field and characterized as public partnership enterprise, in accordance to related Consolidated Law and responsible for general interest services.
The structure of the company evolved rapidly and maintained a balance between public and private nature, justifying the mutual convergence purposes representing the basis of the cluster initiative.
The corporate bodies are conceived in order to guarantee the full involvement of all actor’s categories, witnessing their needs together with keeping an efficient and fast action of the operating structure.
Under the institutional sovereignty of the General Assembly, the following bodies are established: President, Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Technical Scientific Committee, Territorial Committee and the Sole Auditor.
Maritime Technology Cluster FVG is also provided with an external supervisory body and an independent body of evaluation that are in accordance with the Model of Organization, Management and Control linked to the Legislative Decree number 231/2001 and the statutory anti-corruption requirements.