(Italiano) Convegno dedicato alle innovazioni future nelle tecnologie marittime

The Next Maritime Technologies Day is a biennial conference dedicated to the future of innovative maritime technologies, organized by the Maritime Technology Cluster FVG.

The first edition of 2017 (Trieste, 21st September 2017), organized in the framework of the scientific research festival “Trieste Next”, highlighted the themes of frontier research: have been presented the results obtained from the 15 R&D projects coordinated by the Maritime Technology Cluster FVG, and was organized the round table “Future maritime technology trends”, with representatives from research and industry world.

It was a networking opportunities for companies, universities, research centers and citizens, in order to facilitate and broadcast the opportunity developed by maritime sectors for the competitiveness of the territory.

The second edition of 2019 (Monfalcone, 13th February 2019) has been a chance to present the research competences of the territory and an opportunity for SMEs to present themselves.

The big player of maritime sector have illustrated  their technological vision for the mid term into a round table and the event was an opportunity to present the “Call for ideas” designed by the Maritime Technology Cluster FVG, with the aim to activate comparison tables between solution-provider and end-users, in order to develop new  project and activate new partnership.