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June 2020
Tuesday 23 June 2020vai alla pagina
Emerging Technologies for safety at sea: artificial intelligence, risk analysis, real time computing LanguageEnglish

An event dedicated to introduce risk analysis, reliability, safety modelled by emerging technologies in computational science and engineering, like automatic learning, focused also on recent development in design for safety in naval engineering with a special interest on cruise ships construction.

Thursday 04 June 2020vai alla pagina
Materali bio-based e compositi sostenibili: la nautica da diporto verso un modello di Green Economy LanguageItaliano

Quali sono i materiali per l’innovazione di prodotto nelle imbarcazioni da diporto?
Il webinar approfondirà le nuove sfide e le opportunità a breve e medio termine, prendendo ad esempio l’utilizzo di componenti bio-rinnovabili per compositi e adesivi, i materiali e i preimpregnanti a base biologica nelle imbarcazioni a vela e nel settore nautico e l’utilizzo di adesivi bio-based per il legno nella tecnologia strip planking.

May 2020
Tuesday 26 May 2020vai alla pagina
Le principali novità fiscali introdotte per contrastare gli effetti del Covid19 LanguageItaliano

Nel webinar vengono introdotte le principali novità fiscali introdotte negli ultimi Decreti Legge per contrastare gli effetti negativi sull’economia italiana che si stanno riverberando a seguito della diffusione del Coronavirus. In particolare, vengono passati in rassegna i principali sgravi fiscali introdotti per le imprese, con l’obiettivo di delineare un sintetico ed intellegibile quadro delle opzioni […]

April 2020
Thursday 09 April 2020vai alla pagina
Legal and fiscal organization LanguageItaliano

Nel webinar vengono approfonditi i vantaggi fiscali per i soggetti interessati ad investire in start-up trattando le normative italiane e i benefici fiscali per Business Angels e società.
Inoltre, vengono approfonditi gli incentivi fiscali in ricerca, sviluppo e innovazione attualmente in vigore in Italia.

Wednesday 08 April 2020vai alla pagina
Legal and fiscal organization LanguageGreek
Wednesday 08 April 2020vai alla pagina
Legal and fiscal organization LanguageCroatian

Influence of innovations on increasing the firm’s competitiveness, Cross-country overview and comparison with most successful countries. Industry-science collaboration: motivations, models, antecedents, financial-fiscal and legal impacts of collaboration.

Tuesday 07 April 2020vai alla pagina
Legal and Fiscal Organization LanguageSpanish

El seminario versa sobre el marco normativo general del derecho marítimo y del portuario, así como de sujetos, actividades y principales contratos en el ámbito maritimo y portuario, y finalmente hache una introducción al regimen fiscal.

Sunday 05 April 2020vai alla pagina
The Deal structuring LanguageArabic

Background on the investment market in the maritime sector in Egypt, potential and attractive Investment Opportunities for SMEs and startups in the maritime sector (comparing the red sea with the mediterranean sea), current policies and funding opportunities to attract private investments in maritime activities, kinds of business structures and their governing legal regimes, conclusions.

March 2020
Thursday 26 March 2020vai alla pagina
The Deal Structuring LanguageGreek

The webinar will focus on the best legal practices in use for protecting the investments of private investors. More specifically, it will overview the legal structures relating to the various types of investments that can be made in start-ups: for example investments in equity, semi-equity, and dept. Mr. Sterios Souyoutzoglou is an entrepreneur and business […]

Wednesday 18 March 2020vai alla pagina
The deal structuring LanguageCroatian

The webinar will overview the legal framework for SMEs in Croatia and legal entity options when developing entrepreneurial ideas. Different types of fundings sources for SMEs tipical for starups (e.g. equity crowfunding, venture capital) with an emphasis on the impact of such investments on the SME’s legal structure.

Tuesday 17 March 2020vai alla pagina
The Deal structuring LanguageItaliano

Il webinar approfondisce le migliori prassi in ambito legale per tutelare gli investimenti dei business angels. Vengono trattati gli aspetti legali relativi ai diversi tipi di investimenti di cui possono essere oggetto le PMI, tra cui gli investimenti in equity, semi-equity (es. safe) e debito (es. convertible loan).

Tuesday 17 March 2020vai alla pagina
The deal structuring LanguageSpanish
Thursday 05 March 2020vai alla pagina
How should I pitch? Companies pitch presentation insight LanguageEnglish

Pitch is one of the widespread tools for enterprises to access and increase visibility. A convincing and effective presentation could represent the key to introduce the enterprise and the business idea. The webinar will provide an insightful overview on key points that should be considered to perform a pitch deck and attract your target audience.

Wednesday 04 March 2020vai alla pagina
Ready to marinas. Trends, technologies and market insight LanguageEnglish

An insight on ports considering the main developments from market side and technology developments that are interesting those land facilities.
The webinar is dedicated to ports as hubs for goods and passengers and is dedicated to deepen main marked implications, developments and constraints, with an eye on both technology and regulatory issues.

Wednesday 04 March 2020vai alla pagina
Ready to marinas. Trends, technologies and market insight LanguageEnglish

An insight on marinas considering the main developments from market side and technology developments that are interesting those land facilities. The webinar is dedicated to touristic ports, mostly known as marina, specialized in hosting and welcoming pleasure crafts and yachts.

February 2020
Wednesday 19 February 2020vai alla pagina
Ready to Nautical activities LanguageEnglish

Nautical activities are becoming even more diffused all over the world with large diffusion of sailing and motor yacht and developments in touristic ports and marinas. This process is closely progressing with technical requirements for boats and marinas but at the same time with strong implications in terms of pleasure accommodation and technology developments.
The webinar overlook the current scenario highlighting the main trends of the market together with key topics considered by the different market players.

Wednesday 05 February 2020vai alla pagina
The investment process and the selection of the business opportunities LanguageEnglish

The webinar covers several items, with particular focus on risk capital investment activity: the investors operational strategy and methodology, how investors evaluate a business proposal and the steps of the investment process, with the aim of offering in-depth insights about their best practices. A specific focus on SMEs toolkit to present the business idea to […]

January 2020
Thursday 30 January 2020vai alla pagina
The role and importance of Angel Investor and Venture Capital for SME LanguageEnglish

One of the major challenge confronting SMEs (which make up for 98% of enterprises in Europe) is getting access to financial resourses, particularly at their seed, start-up, and growth phases – not least as they are often considered as a high risk investment, with potentially low returns which only materialize in the medium to long […]