October | |
10 - Thursday | (Italiano) Capability Blue Hub FVG: La rete blu FVG per la formazione sull’economia del mare |
June | |
20 - Thursday | TransH2 Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities from Hydrogen for Cross-Border Maritime Mobility |
Is scheduled in Venice on June 6th starting from 11:00. The event is organized in the framework of the CLASS 4.0 Interreg Italy Croatia project “Cluster for dAta-driven Solutions in the Sea Economy 4.0” and is designed to gather relevant clusters in the Adriatic Sea connected to blue economy and to give them the opportunity to introduce themselves and to work together for contributing on a Single Adriatic Innovation Ecosystem(afternoon workshop) in collaboration with project partners and other relevant players on the territory. The core topic of the day will be the role of the clusters and their potential to stimulate effective and concrete cooperation in the innovation chain.
CLASS 4.0 is a project targeting the competitiveness and the innovation capacity of the SMEs in the Adriatic Sea through the valorisation of the opportunities given by the Data driven solutions in the circular and sea economy. The project partnership involves T2i (coordinator), Unioncamere Veneto, Maritime Technology Cluster FVG, INFORMEST, University of Trieste, University of Rijeka and Istrian Development Agency IDA
Please come and join us and register below:
Is scheduled in Venice on June 6th starting from 11:00. The event is organized in the framework of the CLASS 4.0 Interreg Italy Croatia project “Cluster for dAta-driven Solutions in the Sea Economy 4.0” and is designed to gather relevant clusters in the Adriatic Sea connected to blue economy and to give them the opportunity to introduce themselves and to work together for contributing on a Single Adriatic Innovation Ecosystem(afternoon workshop) in collaboration with project partners and other relevant players on the territory. The core topic of the day will be the role of the clusters and their potential to stimulate effective and concrete cooperation in the innovation chain.
CLASS 4.0 is a project targeting the competitiveness and the innovation capacity of the SMEs in the Adriatic Sea through the valorisation of the opportunities given by the Data driven solutions in the circular and sea economy. The project partnership involves T2i (coordinator), Unioncamere Veneto, Maritime Technology Cluster FVG, INFORMEST, University of Trieste, University of Rijeka and Istrian Development Agency IDA
Please come and join us and register below:
October | |
10 - Thursday | (Italiano) Capability Blue Hub FVG: La rete blu FVG per la formazione sull’economia del mare |
June | |
20 - Thursday | TransH2 Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities from Hydrogen for Cross-Border Maritime Mobility |