The webinar “Archetypes and main characteristics of maritime cluster organizations”, planned for Wednesday June 17th 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 CEST, will deepen the role of clusters in supporting and enhancing the collaboration among key players in the production and technology chain in the maritime sector, focusing on key aspects connected to the cluster’s lifecycle.
Five maritime clusters, two Italian, two Spanish and one Greek will animate the webinar bringing their contribution and overviewing their role within the respective value chains: the Maritime Technology Cluster of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, NAVIGO the nautical cluster of Tuscany, the Maritime Cluster of Andalusia, the Barcelona Cluster Nautic and the Greek cluster STRATEGIS, specialized in maritime IT.
The webinar will deepen key issues in the process of creation and development of a cluster. The preconditions and the process driving the establishment, organizational and management characteristics and best practices implemented at local level will be overviewed through the contribution of the speakers:
Carlo Kraskovic, Maritime Technology Cluster FVG
Javier Noriega, Cluster Maritimo y Marino de Andalusia (CMMA)
Pietro Angelini, NAVIGO
Gregory Yovanof, STRATEGIS
Toni Tiò Sauleda, Barcelona Cluster Nautic
Moderator: Cinzia Battistella, University of Udine
The event, in English language, is dedicated to clusters, public administrations and bodies, and policy makers representatives.
The attendance is free, REGISTER HERE!
The webinar is organized in the framework of the Cluster ACT project. For additional details and information: /
The webinar “Archetypes and main characteristics of maritime cluster organizations”, planned for Wednesday June 17th 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 CEST, will deepen the role of clusters in supporting and enhancing the collaboration among key players in the production and technology chain in the maritime sector, focusing on key aspects connected to the cluster’s lifecycle.
Five maritime clusters, two Italian, two Spanish and one Greek will animate the webinar bringing their contribution and overviewing their role within the respective value chains: the Maritime Technology Cluster of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, NAVIGO the nautical cluster of Tuscany, the Maritime Cluster of Andalusia, the Barcelona Cluster Nautic and the Greek cluster STRATEGIS, specialized in maritime IT.
The webinar will deepen key issues in the process of creation and development of a cluster. The preconditions and the process driving the establishment, organizational and management characteristics and best practices implemented at local level will be overviewed through the contribution of the speakers:
Carlo Kraskovic, Maritime Technology Cluster FVG
Javier Noriega, Cluster Maritimo y Marino de Andalusia (CMMA)
Pietro Angelini, NAVIGO
Gregory Yovanof, STRATEGIS
Toni Tiò Sauleda, Barcelona Cluster Nautic
Moderator: Cinzia Battistella, University of Udine
The event, in English language, is dedicated to clusters, public administrations and bodies, and policy makers representatives.
The attendance is free, REGISTER HERE!
The webinar is organized in the framework of the Cluster ACT project. For additional details and information: /